Monday, June 21, 2010

What's going on with Rahm?

The undercarriage of Obama's bus is getting pretty dang crowded.  Everyone is speculating over the possibility of Rahmbo ditching his job at the White House.  I'm quite certain this is all staged and Rahm has something very cushy lined up for his "retirement."

The Blog Prof has put together a comprehensive article with enough links to choke that proverbial horse (how many eons has that horse been suffering.)  I suspect he's bribing his students with passing grades to line up his links.  Only kiiiiding, Chris.  Kinda...

Rahm Emanuel set to be thrown under the bus, will resign after 2010 elections

1 comment:

Mary Ellen/Nunly said...

Rahmbo has been putting out signals that he's going to run against Mayor Daley in Chicago. Now, I can't imagine Daley giving up his throne at City Hall, so if this is the case, there is going to be an all-out political war in Chicago...mob style.