Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Hold Little Hope The Republicans Will Block Elena Kagan...

Elena Kagan is a liar and a leftist with no judicial experience.   I have no doubt she will be sworn in will sit on the Supreme Court for life (which considering her age could be a very long time.)


The BlogProf:  With Smoking Gun: Elena Kagan Fudged Study to Justify Partial Birth Abortion in Court

Nice Deb:   Reports Reveal Elena Kagan Used Deception, Distortion And Flat-Out Lies To Win Cases  Will Elena Kagan Allow Books to be Banned?


  1. That's what's so frustrating about these confirmation hearings. They are nothing more than dog and pony shows. The Senators all huff and puff and make a lot of noise to make their constituents happy and then they go ahead and vote for the nominee...after a long drawn out bloviating speech about why they regret voting yes but will do it out of respect for the President. It's bs.

    Kagan will be a real danger when it comes to pro-life issues.

  2. This one is just plain scary. She has no judicial experience. I can't pinpoint it, but there is something very wrong about Kagan aside from the fact that she is BFF of POTUS.

  3. Mcnorman - Some of the time she sounds like she's not all quite there. It's what I call odd

  4. Mary Ellen - Those people are getting paid big-time by the taxpayers to sit around and act like dopes. I'm actually starting to worry about the next election. If the Republicans can't do any better than they've done, well then - you can stick a fork in us and call us done.

  5. IMHO this is the most lasting damage from the Obammunist era- he's packing the court with left wing kooks who will be there for thirty years

    This one's a real piece of work too, boy

  6. Adrienne- I know what you mean, it doesn't matter what letter is after their name, the D's and the R's are mostly cut from the same cloth. I can't remember when a politician has done an honest day's work. They can vote on their own pay raises (and never turn one down,no matter what the economy is), they get long paid vacations and even use military jets to travel with their families (Pelosi), they have the best health care in the country, and some of them don't even pay their taxes...but force us to pay our under penalty of jail.

    And these guys are supposed to be our voice in the government? What a joke!

  7. After years and years of stealth liberals raised to the High Court under Republican administrations...sure would be nice to have a stealth conservative raised to the Court by a leftist.

    Yeah, right.
