Sunday, June 6, 2010


Obama and the Post American World...


  1. Seems he's doing all he can to make it a reality.

  2. Time to politically neuter this dangerous fool... election just 5 mos away now. I'm going to enjoy my summer... then lay into the Dems with all I've got- it's going to be fun giving these nuts a power-ectomy

  3. Is this for real or a photoshop job?

    If this picture is for real, then who is this guy? Is he a fifth column? And if he is, for whom?

  4. Not a shock by any means. Of course he's reading books like that, and of course he believes that we are living in just such a world.

    Great civilizations rarely die from without, they die from within. Our civilization -- glorious as it has been -- is clearly suffering from serious interior decay. And that decay is prevalent among our elite governing class -- not for the most part among the people themselves.

  5. Jeez, somebody tell me that's a photoshop.
    Sigh, I know it's not.

  6. I didn't vote for the jerk...but I'm stuck with him as though I had. Isaiah, chapter 3.

  7. Never mind him. Think about the fools who elected the man, they'll still be around after November of 2010 and 2012.

    Obama is only a symptom of the problem. In order to truly salvage our nation we've got to start down at the elementary school level and keep working for about the next 20-30 years.

    If that sounds bogus, think of the tripe routinely believed by the young adults of today. Think of their religious beliefs or lack of, think of their morals. This all started back when they were kids. We were asleep at the switch, now we're reaping the results.

    God bless America, God save America.

  8. This photo is alarming. I would say that I "can't believe this", but I totally can.
