Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ghoulish and Disgusting! What have we become?

I can't even believe we are having such a discussion...

Update: There are NO graphic pictures of abortion.  You need to hear how pro-abortion people think...

Source:  Unborn baby cannot feel pain before abortion limit: report

Pundette has more:  Fetal pain and unconditional love

Linked by:

The Daley Gator
Creative Minority Reader

and I thank you


  1. Adrienne- Please excuse the off-topic comment, but I was wondering if you or any of your readers have had trouble getting onto the First Things Blog. I keep receiving this message when I log on:

    "Reported Attack Page!

    This web page at has been reported as an attack page and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

    Attack pages try to install programs that steal private information, use your computer to attack others, or damage your system.

    Some attack pages intentionally distribute harmful software, but many are compromised without the knowledge or permission of their owners."

    I'm wondering if they are aware that this his happening and if someone purposely compromised their blog.

    Regarding the video: Not sure if I can watch it. Those kind of videos that show babies being hurt or destroyed is more than I can handle emotionally.

  2. Adrienne - I think we know what this is. Just another in a long list of justifications and rationalizations to support abortion. If the pro-choice people can further dehumanize a fetus then the can further their cause. Stevie Wonder could see through this tactic.

  3. Greasy - Absolutely! Orwell would be proud. The woman OB/GYN was shocking. What kind of woman can woman slice and dice an almost full term baby??? It was her nonchalance that shocked me.

  4. I didn't watch the video, but I've seen this news story around. I wonder what my friends whose baby was born at 25 weeks would have to say about this.

  5. I wonder what my friends whose baby was born at 25 weeks would have to say about this.

    ...or our friend whose healthy daughter was born at 23 weeks!

  6. Oh wow. I was browsing through, trying to catch up, and this video has me at a complete standstill!!! Absolute insanity.
