Tuesday, June 22, 2010

General McCrystal has an "Inappropriate Relationship" with his mouth...

Funny.  I spent some time yesterday working on an article about our current penchant for calling sexual sin an "inappropriate relationship."  Does't sound quite as bad as "I was a pig, cheated on my wife, and broke my marital vows."

Now General McCrystal is being "summoned" to Washington to explain his comments that will appear in Rolling Stone magazine.  Number one: Why is a General giving interviews to, what I consider, a low-rent publication?  And number two:  Even if what he said was true, his behavior was clearly inappropriate.

Read what others have said:

The Other McCain:  If McChrystal Is McArthur . . .

and wins quote of the day for his reply to this tweet:  Gen. McChrystal symbolizes the open contempt our military feels for this ridiculous administration.

Yeah, but you’re not supposed to say it out loud, troop — and you’re certainly not supposed to say it out loud in a conversation with a reporter from Rolling Stone. If you’re a senior commander and you feel the civilian leadership is screwed up, the thing to do is to announce your retirement, and then write a book about how screwed up the civilian leadership is.
More at Memeorandum.

1 comment:

Subvet said...

"...the thing to do is to announce your retirement, and then write a book about how screwed up the civilian leadership is."

Absolutely correct.