Friday, June 25, 2010

Conspiracy, Communism, New World Order, and George Soros - Some Things to Ponder

I have spoken before about the word conspiracy - Conspiracy is Not a Bad Word...

I find it almost funny when people are so anxious to disavow themselves of buying into any kind of "conspiracy theory."  Today will be very busy, so I've lined up a few things for you to read and ponder.  Always ponder and do your own research.

New Zealand Blog: Communist Leader Sam Webb on Working With Democrats 

 Don't forget Ten Bucks Friday...

Prayer to Saint Michael

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. 



  1. I've been thinking the same thing recently. The media has done a great job of equating the phrase "conspiracy theory" with kooks. The new world order theory has a lot of documentation to back it up, but other conspiracy theories, like Roswell, and crop circles get lumped in with discussions of legit conspiring.

    I encourage everyone to check out the NNDB people tracking mapper. You can see how certain powerful people are connected to organizations and political positions.

  2. yeah, that new world order stuff is really creepy and what is also creeping me out is the stories coming out of Florida about preparations for martial law. Here's a video. Not sure what to think because I don't like to buy into anything that comes from an blog or is on YouTube, but I sure would like to know what this is about.

  3. repub mom - I was looking at that on your blog and plan on linking to it...

    Yep - there's plenty of Orwellian language stuff going on. People without a sophisticated language cannot convey ideas. Simple...

  4. Mary Ellen - I watched the video but really got more info from the comments. I don't pay too much attention to these videos. I think most of them are a bit over-the-top.

  5. Conspiracy, Communism, New World Order, and George Soros... We've got that and a whole lot more... more than any other website on the web.

    Come check us out:
