Sunday, May 23, 2010

My heart rate has returned to normal

Da Sunday Funeez are up at The Reaganite Republican

In case you missed it: 


  1. Have a great day, Adrienne... and thanks for the Sunday inspiration too!

  2. Adrienne: My heart rate went wild a couple of weeks ago...I'm on meds now...I have a "thickened heart"...valve leakage...please pray for me.
    I'm not afraid to die; I'm just afraid for those around me who are freakin' out....I gotta lot of work to do before I check out.
    Anyway. No pity-party here (I'm part Irish, you know!)...prayers would be most appreciated.
    I'll keep you posted.
    I ended up in the ER, overnight at the hospital, tests galore...stress test...medicine...
    All I have to do is take my meds in the morning and that's breakfast!
    I guess turning 50 began the "demise":<)!
    Thanks, dearest Auntie.
    I'm not absent yet. Still checkin' your blog (even if Nunly is on sabbatical!!).

  3. Nazareth Priest - You're not going anywhere soon. We NEED YOU and God knows that.

    Will send prayers and cyber-rays to help heal your heart.

    I miss Nunly...sigh. But I understand. Sometimes this all becomes too much.

    Love and prayers...
