Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do sunscreens work?

You decide...


  1. It's the vitamin A -- it appears that too much of it can fuel cancer cells. This was essentially the same result as the study several years ago that found that beta carotine supplements (which the body converts into vitamin A) increased the risk of lung cancer in smokers.

    Vitamin A is essential, but too much of it is very bad news indeed.

  2. Mark - I think all sunscreens have done is make people overly confidant to the point they ignore common sense stuff.

    When I was a kid we were never allowed to swim from noon to 3, and people who worked outside covered themselves up (think farmer)

    I loathe sunscreen and have a hard time finding a moisturizer that doesn't have it as an addition. I do realize as an Italian/German, I'm a far less risk than most.

  3. Oh, cr!p.

    I've been slathering it on since I was 18.

    People tell me I look younger than others my age, I think it's the extra fat filling out the wrinkles and not sans sundamage.

  4. Oh, I will say of my relatives with skin cancer, it's been the olive ones that have gotten it mostly. My cousin died from melanoma at 30. He was a dark and handsome kid. He found it under his toenail. Which we later find out is where so many deadly cancers seem to appear, "freckles" under the nail or your palms or soles of feet.

    Keep up with self-checks, no matter your coloring.

  5. yeah well, my Irish Dutch husband will not leave the house without a big sun hat AND 50spf. By order of his dermatologist who has to freeze several precancerous spots every 6 months off his face and ears...and his wife who needs him to help raise these hooligans.

    Now, I have enough Indian (of the American sort) in me that I don't worry too much unless I'll be out allllllllll day.
