Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The country will look like Michigan before this is over...

It used to be said that California was the trend setter for the country.  Last I checked, Callie was dead flat broke.  Florida is in pretty poor shape, and The Blog Prof, expert on all things Michigan,  gives us the facts on what's going there (it isn't pretty) Granholm's $billion 21st Century Jobs Fund declared a total bust by the liberal Detroit Free Press.

While chatting with my doctor's wife a few days ago she said, "It's time to think outside the box."  No, actually it's time to get rid of your box all together.   

I'm heading out to vote in our primary.  Elections have consequences and primaries are important.  But I fear it may be too late.  When you have more than half the people in a country reliant on the government (that would be you and me), for their sustenance, it is highly likely the downward trend can be reversed.  

I'm not being pessimistic, just realistic.  The good news is, the cream of the populace will rise to the top eventually.  The people who don't rely on Starbucks or granite counter tops for their happiness, will suffer the least.  Which will you be?

1 comment:

  1. The trouble is the youth today are complacent as long as they can do what they want and get what they want . . . when that ends, they'll look up and wonder WTF? And, their parents are, too. I mean NOT everyone . . . I'm one of many parents out there trying to stay awake and keep the kids alert. It's hard when society is pumping out the freshest of the gotta-haves . . . kids are failing school etc.. It is depressing and hard to rise above it. I think there are some real zombies out there - I, for one, do not want to be their "teet" via the gov't. BUT, just because it is this way doesn't mean we stop fighting the good fight!
