Friday, April 23, 2010

Your Tax Dollars at Work / Update: From the Combox

Welcome back, Kotter Cutter

ObamaCare is so popular the White House finds it necessary to spend our tax dollars to re-hire the shrill and argumenative Stephanie Cutter to tell us why we should be saying thank you.  Silly us!  I'm sure Stephanie will make it all clear.

From the Washington Examiner:  Obamacare is so popular it still needs its own flack


  1. Remember, propaganda is an essential component of modern government, and the administration is already well-acquainted with its power thanks to the 2008 campaign. Aided by its friends in the MSM, the administration is of course cranking up its propaganda efforts.

    What is amazing isn't that they are doing it, but that it doesn't appear to be working. The Tea Party movement is evidence of this, as is the administration's tanking poll numbers -- as well as the tanking poll numbers of Congress.

    Of course, this doesn't mean that the Republicans are in good shape, either. Never underestimate the incompetence of the Republicans -- it is the Democrats' strongest weapon by far. Obama, Pelosi and Reid have been blessed in their enemies...

  2. Wow, thanks for elevating my comment to the main page of your blog!
