Sunday, April 11, 2010

Some Changes and Some Linky Love

About the changes first.

Over the past few weeks I have becoming more and more overwhelmed with the amount of information flowing my way.  For a person with ADD, this can make our synapses fire at such a rate that the possibility of our heads exploding is very real.

I have fallen behind in my work, have had less time to read, and have almost completely ignored my creative work.   A few days ago I attacked my Google Reader and deleted about a gazillion feeds. The relief was instantaneous.  Those that made the cut were the people that added something to my life, or brought a new insight to some of things that are going on in our world.

November will be here in the blink of an eye.  The left wants us constantly upset and frustrated instead of healthy and focused.  They do this by always keeping us on the defensive.  We need to carve away the unnecessary and zero in on the things that matter.  And what matters is the elections in November.

 And now for some Linky Love

Reaganite Republican has his wonderful Sunday LOL Funnies up and there's some great ones (as usual.)  We thank him for helping us maintain our sense of humor. 

Tell the EPA to Stay the Hell Out of Our Homes  from Carol's Closet really puts a point on all this carp coming out about Cap & Tax and the possibilities of some EPA regulations on selling our homes.  Carol recounts her personal story and how some of these proposed regulations would affect her.  Well worth a read...

The Lonely Conservative gives us more information on EPA regs that may be coming down the pike - EPA Lead Abatement Rules Will Hurt Small Businesses

Anti-Catholicism is Alive and Well

I have been reading the comments on different postings about the Catholic Church, and the level of vicious anti-Catholicism is appalling.  The distortions by the MSM are not only unprofessional but in most cases outright lies.

Creative Minority Report brings us this:

The Associated Press Is Lying

Most of you have heard the news that the Pope (then Cardinal Ratzinger) delayed in defrocking a pedophile priest in California in 1985. The Associated Press, and the rest of the media bandwagon, have heralded this report as 'the smoking gun.' Only, one problem. It's a lie. read the rest

 From Doug Ross:  Bitter Spinster Columnist Visits Saudi Arabia, Observes Rampant Misogyny - and Bashes Catholic Church for Mistreatment of Women

Father Dwight Longenecker has this to report about Anti Christian Battles in Britain

And Father Powell tells us what to do:

"What can I do about the scandals?"

I've received many emails and comments asking for advice on how individual Catholics can deal with the current spate of media reports on the Holy Father's alleged involvement in obstructing investigations into clerical sexual abuse.
The requests for advice all more or less ask:  what are those of us in the pews supposed to do? read the rest

 A Good Grief Moment from the BlogProf

Creating or saving government dependence: MI welfare program caps hours participants can search for work

Thanks to RightKlik, who has a great quote from Benjamin Franklin on Spreading the Wealth Around,   for leading me to The Liberty to Achieve by Robert Gelinas at American Thinker.

Quote of the Day:
I think the biggest reason there are so many fat slobs running around the country is due to the decline of the culture.  We want the benefits that more wealth and leisure time bring to us, but do not want to shoulder the greater responsibility that goes along with greater freedom and liberty.  We have rejected manners because they interfere with our fun; we have rejected morality because it restrains our obtaining of instant pleasure; we have been given the greatest gifts and refuse to appreciate the hard work and sacrifice that went into making our situation possible.  We want what we want NOW and deem this our greatest ‘right’.  We are spoiled rotten brats.  We, perhaps, therefore, deserve having a spoiled rotten brat in The White House.  Bob Belvedere, The Camp of the Saints


  1. Good point about staying focused. I am not focused right now -- in fact I feel like I am swamped! I am afraid I am going to have to seriously cut back on my blogging to get work done. Busy life means less blogging!

  2. oh geez, now I'm quivering in my slippers....did I make the cut??
