Monday, April 19, 2010

Meet the People Who Will Make Your Health Care Decisions

The NYT ran a profile of the folks that will decide how this mess of a bill will be carried out.  Shouldn't that have been figured out before they passed this monstrosity?  Of course, since they didn't know what was in the bill, that would have been a bit hard.

Let's take a quick peek at one of the top three people, Phyllis Borzi, who will be masterminding the implementation of this piece of garbage.   That would be the same Phyllis Borzi who would like nothing better than to steal your 401K and force it into Treasuries to be paid as annuities.  This is nothing more than a way to prop up the failing treasury with your money.   Consider also the coming war against seniors in our country.  Deny them health care, they die, no more annuity.  Sounds pretty simple to me.
Check out what the LRC blog has to say about Phyllis and her merry band of crooked friends before you read the white-washed crap article in the Times.

From the NYT via Memeorandum:
Obama Health Team Turns to Carrying Out Law
WASHINGTON — The success of the new health care law depends to a large degree on a handful of Obama administration officials, who are scrambling to make the transition from waging political war on Capitol Hill to managing one of the most profound changes in social policy in generations.  read the rest

Let me say this one more time;  this bill needs to be repealed and anyone running for any office, down to dog catcher, should aspire to that goal, and state it publicly. No statement - no vote.  Once more, simple rules!

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