Friday, April 23, 2010

Jan Brewer, Gov. of AZ declares illegal aliens, well, illegal...

"We in Arizona have been more than patient waiting for Washington to act," Brewer said after signing the law. "But decades of inaction and misguided policy have created a dangerous and unacceptable situation." Jan Brewer, Gov. of AZ

Ariz. governor signs immigration enforcement bill...
 The sweeping legislation makes it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally. It would also require local police officers to question people about their immigration status if there is reason to suspect they are in the U.S. illegally. read the rest
Too bad Robert Krentz couldn't attend the signing...

Meantime, our president is starting a war with the states...

Obama: U.S. 'a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws;' blasts Arizona law


  1. Glenn Reynolds has commented on this -- and I think he is spot on. This move is likely unconstitutional; the federal government has power over immigration and immigration enforcement, not the states. But the states have a right under the Constitution to be protected, by the federal government, from invasion. The feds have failed miserably at one of the basic responsibilities of government: defense of the nation's borders.

  2. Let's see now . . .

    Obama says, "[S]urely we can all agree that when 11 million people in our country are living here illegally, outside the system, that's unacceptable."

    But requiring an illegal alien to leave the country until is contrary to law?

    Sorry, living on the wrong planet here.

  3. Every legal Latino should see SB 1070 as it really is because this is a very good thing. It is time for everyone to be recognized by local law as local residents of his or her town. This Arizona law is for our whole Country. It is not about race, it is about stopping crime. Illegal’s were just caught in Tennessee that had left from Dallas, Texas on their way here to Pennsylvania, TN is overrun, Pa. has them coming from there and masses coming through Florida, with NY, & NJ overrun, not to mention Maryland, or Virginia, and the poorer tax payer who built these areas have no blood left to tax. While it is our own children whom are the ones paying the very highest cost of this crime! This Arizona law is for our whole Country and will benefit every citizen legal immigrant.
