Monday, March 29, 2010

Obama in Afghanistan

 This is a joke, right?  Right!?

Obama tells Karzai to clean up corruption
United States president Barack Obama has urged Afghan president Hamid Karzai to clean up corruption   read the rest


  1. More of his narcistic, mr know-it-all attitude that will eventually get him in trouble.

    One could only hope......

  2. I actually think Biden is funny - and he doesn't even have to try and tell a joke to crack me up. But Obama is never funny, ever. I doubt he has a sense of humor.

    Anyway - his statement is ironic, isn't it.

    Likewise, I doubt he is even capable of making what could be termed a sincere statement.

  3. Oh! Oh! I'll bet Obama is a humatron with artificial intelligence... which explains the lack of humor, or any sensitivities whatsoever.

  4. POTUS probably thought it was a good April Fool's Day joke.

  5. "Obama tells Karzai to clean up corruption."

    Isn't that similar to Hitler calling Mother Teresa inconsiderate?

  6. here I've been so worried that someone would assassinate him.....he's gonna commit assissted suicide! don't he know better?
