Friday, March 12, 2010

Obama Delaying Trip to "Work on Healthcare" Ouch!

Remember how it felt when the teacher left the room?  We could always hear my fourth grade teacher, Sister St. Ignatius, returning because she would exuberantly and purposely swing her huge rosary beads.  She had a sneaky Sister in fourth grade who would tiptoe back to the room to catch the kids taking advantage of her absence and vowed never to do that. God bless her.

Now I find out that Obama has delayed his useless trip vacation to Asia.  I was hoping for a bit of play time without the scolder-in-chief around.  Sigh ...
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama has delayed his first international trip of the year, a three-country visit to Asia, to focus attention on the final push to salvage health care legislation after a year of contentious debate. read the rest
Hmmmmm, salvage - interesting word for a bill that "has the votes."
More at Hot Air


  1. I wish he would go back home (Asia) and stay there.

    If they had the votes, they would have voted already. I have no idea what they have up their sleeves now, but you can bet your bonnet that it's illegal or unconstitutional...or just plain dirty.

  2. Mary Ellen - do you have a mic in our chandelier? That is almost word for word what my hubby said this morning...

  3. Adrienne- LOL! I guess great minds think alike. You can tell him I said that. ;-)
