Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Linky Love and the usual pithy commentary

What caught my eye this morning...

While we are caught up in this health-care feeding frenzy, I had to stop to linger over this article posted in the American Spectator,  Specter Opens Door on White House Felonies by Jeffrey Lord, which gives me hope, real hope, that we'll see some people in jail before this is over, and the impeachment of our current president.   It's starting to smell a lot like the Nixon years again.  Grab a cuppa and read the article - there's lots of stuff bubbling under the surface of this administration.  I believe the pot will boil over. 


Gateway Pundit gave us the memo from Office of the Assistant to the Speaker instructing Dems on how to treat the mob that will be showing up today.  I think it more or less tells them to be nice, give them water, and tell them how stupid they are.  Read it so you'll know how these corrupt politicians really feel about you, just in case you weren't sure.

From Pajamas Media: 
Fewer and more expensive services, corruption, and inefficiency are the marks of liberal government-run cities, businesses, and programs.

Dan Perrin of Red State:
I spent the day on Capitol Hill yesterday talking to House Dems and will be there all day today too. Here are seven reasons the Senate GOP, with Senator Byrd, are going to blindside the House Dems:   read the rest
Reaganite Republican has a great line-up of links and has saved me time.  I see no point in duplicating work so head over there for more good reading.  

The Other McCain:  Thanks to Smitty -  LIVE: People’s Surge vs. ObamaCare 2.0

In a symbolic show of solidarity with my fellow patriots, I'm heading out on the property to haul manure.  Perfect!

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