Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Let the War Begin...

Obama and his minions have severely underestimated the rage of the American people.  Reconciliation will be like throwing a match on a dry pile of trash.  Those people who cast their vote for him should have listened when Obama said he would fundamentally change this country.  What they didn't count on was their being on the receiving end for the worst of the impact.   Those of us who saw this coming are survivors, and while we may be inconvenienced, we will ultimately win.

From Politico: 

Harkin: Reconciliation is a go
Sen. Tom Harkin told POLITICO that Senate Democratic leaders have decided to go the reconciliation route. The House, he said, will first pass the Senate bill after Senate leaders demonstrate to House leaders that they have the votes to pass reconciliation in the Senate. read the rest
H/T Memeorandum

Starve the Monkeys Who Eat Away At Your Life  
An Individualist's Guide to Fighting Modern Progressives
by Tom Baugh   


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