Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It just Keeps Coming

I hit my bed last night with my Google Reader at a reasonable and doable 200 or so, and wake up to find it's blown past 1000.  Some of the highlights before I head off to the gym.

But first - I will not be commenting on Glenn Beck and his interview with Senator Massa.  I can not believe the amount of "ink" and time that has been wasted on such a non-issue.  Who gives a rip about either of these people. 

Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit: LiveBlogging the Anti-Obamacare Blowout in St. Charles, MO– STANDING ROOM ONLY!
They were expecting 600 and the updated total of peeps is 2,225

Creative Minority Report:  Stupak Won't be Fooled

Dr. Zero covers the mandatory health insurance coverage of part-time workers in his usual intelligent manner.  Connect the dots with the raising of the minimum wage in many states, like my neighbor Washington state, and soon there will be no part-time jobs at all.  There will also be a huge upsurge in the underground economy with the pizza delivery guy being paid under the table.

Bungalow Bill bring us The Top Ten Reasons to Oppose Obamacare.  

From the Times via Memeorandum:   Parliamentary Hurdle Could Thwart Latest Health Care Overhaul Strategy.   Folks, the  reason they need a strategy and sneaky plans is because no one wants this bill.

The Bog Blog Prof  gives us excellent coverage of the "We Have to Pass Our Bill So You Can See What's in It" that dribbled from the frozen lips of Nancy Pelosi.  Is this women insane?

And Red State weighs in with their take on the comment:   Nancy Pelosi’s ‘Tell’ - And It Wasn't the "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it" line

Pundette:  Obama continues to beat his dead horse.   

Michael Gerson did a magnificent job of summing up this administration:
Whatever the legislative fate of health reform -- now in the hands of a few besieged House Democrats -- the reformers have failed in their argument. Their proposal has divided Democrats while uniting Republicans, returned American politics to well-worn ideological ruts, employed legislative tactics that smack of corruption, squandered the president's public standing, lowered public regard for Congress to French revolutionary levels, sucked the oxygen from other agenda items, reengaged the abortion battle, produced freaks and prodigies of nature such as a Republican senator from Massachusetts, raised questions about the continued governability of America and caused the White House chief of staff to distance himself from the president's ambitions.  read the rest
Moonbattery brings us some polling figures showing Americans See ObamaCare as Economy Killer
It makes you sit back and wonder why the dems keep pushing this unsavory bill.  Could it be because it has nothing to do with your health care and everything to do with control?? 

I'm a huge fan of homeschooling.  If I had young children they would never set foot in a government run school.  Politicaljunkie Mom bring us Reason Number 10,001 to Homeschool.  

 Today's featured blog (in the upper left corner)  is Green Mountain Homesteading.  Swing over and say hi...

And if you need a laugh after all this Reaganite Republican has a cartoon that is laugh-out-loud funny. I thank him!


  1. Gerson is brilliant in his use of the English language! Enjoyed his article so much! The cartoon on Reganite Republican is classic ... what? Dan Rather say something off-color? LOL! And I visited Green Mountain Homesteading at your suggestion, enjoyed and left a nice note! Keep up the EXCELLENT coverage. You are the friend after my own heart ... do you believe in Karma? LOL!


  2. Abbey - I have a plan to start calling (like on the phone) certain bloggers. You're on the list. Shouldn't take us more than 2 or 3 hours to cover stuff...

  3. Stupack is a Democrat and that is all there is to it. he will vote for the bill, and claim the issue was resolved.

  4. OMG, I so know what you mean about your Reader items blowing up over night. Sigh. Thanks for posting the highlights, I'm rather intimidated by all my Reader items at the moment (have been off-line making calls and sending emails to Congress and have gotten waaaay behind).
