Thursday, March 11, 2010

Harry Reid's Wife and Daughter Injured in Car Crash

This is really quite serious.  Altough the injuries are not "life-threatening" it is reported that Mrs. Reid has a broken nose, back, and neck.  She is 69 years old.  Those are very serious injuries for a person of that  age.  

Please pray for both Mrs. Reid and her daughter Lana.

Updated at 6:23 p.m. ET. Reid's office just put out a statement. It says the Reids' car was "rear-ended by a semi-truck" on a Washington, D.C., highway. It goes on to say:
Mrs. Reid has a broken nose, broken back and broken neck.  Lana has a neck injury and facial lacerations.  Both Mrs. Reid and Lana are conscious, can feel their extremities, and according to doctors their injuries are non-life threatening.  Senator Reid has been to the hospital and appreciates the support he and his family are receiving from Nevadans and his colleagues in the Senate.


  1. Ouch! Prayers for them, that sounds awful. I was rear ended recently by a large SUV and although I wasn't seriously injured, my neck was sore for about a week and it really made me nervous whenever I was stopped at a light...waiting for that hit.

  2. Neck and back - how awful! It's going to take her a long time to heal.

    Our last accident was a T-bone. I was pretty banged up - mostly from the seat belt, so I know what you mean about being nervous. However, that seat belt saved my life...

    I've always been hyper-vigilant about checking my rear view mirror for idiot, and have gotten out of the way of more than one person who was not planning on stopping until my car stopped them.

  3. I don't approve of the man's politics, but this is no time not to pray for them all.

  4. Wow, a worst nightmare... big rig on your tail

    I pray for them both, talk about bad luck- that IS plenty serious for a 70 yo woman... or anybody

  5. I just heard this on the morning FoxNews ... they are considering charges against the truck driver .... praying for a good recovery for Mrs. Reid and their daughter.
