My observation:
Listen carefully to what Obama said in this address:
This should have huge red flags waving wildly in front of your face. If these are truly the pillars of a strong America, then why have they been federalized? As we witness Obama ramping up his rhetoric with in-your-face insults, taunts, and ridicule, I have to ask, "what is it that makes this man act in such a bold and obnoxious manner? Does he perhaps have some insight that we are not yet privy to?"In his weekly address on radio and Internet, Obama called education and health care “two of the most important pillars of a strong America.” He thanked Congress for passing the measures, calling them “real and major reform.
From American Thinker:
Welcome to the Machine: Cultural Marxism in Education
The education machine that keeps churning out newbies conditioned in mind-blunting nonjudgmentalism has laid the groundwork for a left wing takeover.
Protein Wisdom gets personal with The Lie of the Liberal Arts EducationWhat reduced American education to its current state? read the rest
I venture to say Jeff Goldstein's old professor will think twice before tangling with him again. H/T to Memeorandum
Also from Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft wonders, "It’s almost as if Obama and democrats actually want the economy to collapse?" Ya think?
Read: Another Crushing Blow to the Economy: Obamacare Will Cost US Corporations Billions
Political Junkie Mom gets it. Read: It’s intentional, Peggy.
NiceDeb brought up a valid point concerning the source of the video I just posted ( as having no credibility because they were 9/11 truthers. While I was well aware they posted material that questioned the events of 9/11, as always, I think long and hard before dismissing information because of the source. It is our jobs as citizens to vet material, study, and come to our own conclusions. Deb is quite correct to express her caution. It is something we all must do. However, I still urge you to watch the video and do your own research.
Deb also posted information about the Kansas City Tea Party that is planned for April 15th. If you live in or around Kansas, or are even flying in (I wish I could), everything you need to know is posted. We thank her!
TPM Tea Partiers To Hold 'Conservative Woodstock' Event In Harry Reid's Hometown
another H/T to Memeorandum
Our very own Stacy McCain is in Searchlight, NV to attend this rally. Waiting for updates at The Other McCain. Check back there often.
Since we're talking about tea parties, I thank my buddy Mark for leading me to this fine article Tea Party protesters are extraordinary, not ordinary by Dr. Sanity.
How about another peek at our future?
Mcnorman's Weblog: Running Out Of Other People’s Money: Hospital wards to shut in secret NHS cuts
More on this from The BlogProf: Single-Payer Hell: British NHS to secretly close units, urge sick to email doctors rather than visit, replace medical professionals with less qualified assistants, deny patient care to save cost
The Other McCain: Smitty provided us with a two minute video summing up our future. He likens it to a "mugging." I'd have to agree. Some Say That Sufficient Falsehood Can Enable Truth
Dr. Zero brings us our much needed pep-talk for the day:
A Word to the Weary
[...]My own vision of the future includes peril, but not doom. We’re in a bad place right now, but we can turn things around. read the rest
Our quote for the day:
On of the commentors on American Thinker referred to the current administration as "those that glide through the dust." Perfect! And we thank him.I will send wasting famine against them, consuming pestilence and deadly plague; I will send against them the fangs of wild beasts, the venom of vipers that glide in the dust. Deuteronomy 32:24
Palm Sunday
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week culminating with Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Holy Saturday Easter vigil liturgy. Tomorrow I will be attending an early Mass and processing with palm branches, recreating and remembering the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. I will pray for you and for our country, and ask you to do the same. See you on Monday...
"In every human life, in yours and in mine, the palms and the passion are intermingled. We accept the first with gratitude and the second with faith and look forward to that moment when, having given back all that we were given, we enter into the unutterable joy of eternal life." Father John Speekman, Palm Sunday Homily
Painting byZdzislaw Piotr Jasinski
"Palm Sunday", 1891, oil on canvas
Duchess - here's my Christmas card. AS you can see, I've since shaved. LOL!
ReplyDeleteGood point about nationalizing the "pillars" of a strong America- obviously the irony is lost on Dear Leader
ReplyDeletePatriots need to keep asking questions, and force this clown to ANSWER them... or face mounting opposition every day in this country
That's a marvelous painting, Adrienne...thanks!