We're Not Republicans or Democrats - We're Americans!
I apologize for not answering all of the wonderful comments the past few days. Please know that I read them all and appreciate the feedback.
I just spent 2 hours and 24 minutes watching the following video. It is chilling! I also have spent another several hours checking on the credentials of the people featured. I checked up on the references to the Boy and Girl Scouts of America, HR 645, and updated information on the C.F.R., and Clergy Response Team. I have an expanded reading list that will probably take the rest of my earthly existence to read.
Nothing I saw or heard on this video was a surprise. I was blessed to have a very smart and well-educated mother who was a master at "connecting the dots." Since she died before the advent of the internet, she did the best she good with the information she could access, and she did a great job.
I grew up knowing that FDR was not the "savior of the world", that welfare was dehumanizing, and that both Social Security and Medicare were traps of dependency. I've known for many decades that countless generations of people have been dumbed-down and indoctrinated through our government-run schools.
I fear that we, as conservatives, lovers of the freedoms given to us from our God, have fallen prey to a sort of mass hypnosis. We have ordered our lives by means of "sound bites" and snippets of information. We have become our own worst enemy. We have forgotten the message in order to expand our hit counter, with little regard for what is truly important.
We are engaged in a war. Only the great "unwashed" can save our way of life. We need to pull our collective heads out of the sand, raise ourselves to the highest level of discourse, and proceed to defeat the forces of darkness that surround us.
Please take a few hours to watch this video if you can. Try skipping the "Great Race" on TV and not concern yourself with who is going to be the next greatest model. Blow off "Survivor", and skip the next NCAA tournament. These are diversions of the lowest order. Choose your reading material with care, but still take time to check on what our enemies are saying. A few quick trips to some liberal or socialist sites should clear up any misunderstanding you may have on this subject. Encounter first hand what our current "culture" has wrought.
- The World According to Greasywrench - Barack Obama says go for it
- Hot Air - AP: Say, guess what we just found in ObamaCare!
- The Blog Prof - Surprise!: New tax on medical device makers, part of ObamaCare, could push small Michigan companies out of business
- Gateway Pundit - PBS Now Offering Teachers Indoctination Materials on Nationalized Healthcare
- Cold Fury - More on Violence
- Hack Wilson - Paul Ryan for President
- A-Files Blog - When Health Care Means More Than Health Care
Quote of the Day provided by my friend, Mark in Spokane
"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it." Patrick Henry (1736-1799), American statesman and founding father.
Palate cleanser:
Reaganite Republican has done his usual great job with bringing us some TGIF fun with his Naked Power Grab edition. We thank him from the bottom of our wee little hearts...
Gee - thanks I think... LOL!!
ReplyDeleteExcuse me while I go back into my corner and whine a bit more.
I can't even watch my NCAA games!?
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm freaked out now. I've actually been researching a lot of this over the past few years. The first thing it made me think of was Larry McDonald - I have a small collection of interviews with him over at my blog.
ReplyDeleteOne government, one currency, one religion..seen it coming for a while, but its eerie now that we're on the verge.
Well, we are on the verge of something, and I fear it isn't good. I'm glad that Adrienne pointed out that we are facing right now isn't something new -- this has been a long time a'coming, and the roots of this stretch back decades, all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting the video, Adrienne. And thanks for the shout out -- I'm glad you liked the quote!
Info wars isn't reputable. They're 9/11 truthers, too.
ReplyDeleteEverybody should see this, well worth the time... good stuff Adrienne- linked today at Reaganite Republican
Larry - Ok, ok - maybe I exaggerated just a wee bit. You weren't whining, just crying.
ReplyDeleterepublican mother - no need to panic. Just be aware...
ReplyDeleteDeb - as with all things we must separate truth from fiction. I took note of the truther stuff on their site. But none of that is brought up in the video.
ReplyDeleteI try to always think for myself and do the necessary research to vet what I read or hear. They have presented nothing that hasn't been said before.
I don't consider anybody to be "reliable" the majority of the time - particularly since the advent of the blogoshpere and other online news sources where stories can go viral in a matter of hours. We know the MSM is corrupt, but they occasionally get thing right. This has made our world very hard to navigate.
Obama is a nothing more than a puppet. The question is who is pulling the strings.
Mark - You always come up with the best quotes. Save me time! heh
ReplyDeleteActually, I think this all started in the Garden of Eden...
RR - thanks...