Monday, December 7, 2015

People of Minnesota welcome "Refugee" Resettlement...

because, you know, Minnesota "nice" and all that.

It appears that a young man who came to  Minneapolis, Minnesota as a “refugee” from Somalia has been linked to Syed Farook, the shooter who, along with his jihadist wife, killed 14 Americans in San Bernardino less than a week ago.

Why am I not surprised?

From WND:
[...]Fox News contributor Rod Wheeler provided a key piece of information about the case, linking the San Bernardino shooters to Mohamed Hassan, a known terrorist recruiter who has been on the FBI radar screen for at least seven years.
What Fox did not report, however, is how Hassan ended up in the United States.
His family came into the U.S. as refugees from Somalia. The Somali refugee program has been going on for decades and has produced some of America’s most feared terrorists, even as the Syrian refugee program grabs most of the headlines.
[...]Hassan left Minnesota for Somalia seven years ago to fight for Al Shabaab, an al-Qaida-linked terrorist organization in Somalia. He later joined up with ISIS but holds an American passport and could return to the U.S. at any time.

He is known as a prolific online recruiter for jihadist terror groups. He grew up in Minneapolis and attended Roosevelt High School. It was during his senior year of high school that Hassan left the U.S. While in Somalia he joined a group of jihadist fighters from Minnesota, one of whom was his cousin, according to a report by Somalia Agenda. READ THE REST
Want to see how the Social Justice Warriors™ in St. Paul are responding?  Sure you do.

I will cut some slack since the event is being presented by the School of Social Work at St. Thomas University, an institution that used to be Catholic, and hosted by the College of St. Catherine, an institution which also used to be Catholic.

I saw the following on the Facebook Mac/Groveland Neighborhood Group page, a lily-white neighborhood not far from Cedar-Riverside, the largest concentration of Somalis in the country, and one of the prime recruiting areas for ISIS.


Mad World News: 9/22/2014 [WATCH] Muslim Refugees DEMAND U.S. Tax Payers Foot The Bill For This  Muslim imports in Minnesota are demanding the local food pantry be stocked with “halal” non-pork food for their American tax-paid meals. 

Moonbattery:  In Aftermath of Terror Atrocities, Democrat Pols Display Solidarity With Islam 

Victor Davis Hanson:  Liberal Nihilism in a Nutshell

John Hayward:   Lefty Hatred Unleashed By San Bernardino Jihad

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