Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Asian lives matter... w/Update

except in Missouri.

Watch these entitled ignorant little sh*ts intimidate, harass, and threaten Tim Tai, a photographer for ESPN, who also happens to be Asian. 

Warning: The following video will make your blood boil (around 100 degrees Celsius, or 212 degrees Fahrenheit, in case you're interested.)

A photographer was threatened with mob violence by a professor at Missouri University after he tried to assert his First Amendment rights against “safe space” authoritarians who used Maoist tactics to shut down free speech.
The incident happened in the aftermath of yesterday’s resignation of University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe, who stepped down after failing to acquiesce to a list of demands from students that included a request he acknowledge his “white privilege”.

After students and professors formed a human shield to try and block reporters from covering the story, photographer Mark Schierbecker attempted to get an interview with some of the demonstrators.
The end of the video shows a woman who was later identified as Melissa Click, an assistant professor of mass media, grab Schierbecker’s camera before demanding that he leave.

Click then brazenly calls for mob violence to help remove Schierbecker.

“Hey who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here,” she yells.

At the beginning of the video, another photographer, Tim Tai, attempts to do his job as he is accosted by the crowd.

As the mob begins to encircle and intimidate him, Tai attempts to explain the meaning of the First Amendment.

“I am documenting this for a national news organization [ESPN TV],” Tai told the protesters. “The First Amendment protects your right to be here and mine.”

Tai is eventually pushed back by the mob, who appear to think that it is their “right” to physically assault someone to suppress their free speech.

After Click received a barrage of criticism for behavior, she locked down her Twitter account. It’s no surprise to learn that the professor is a fan of ‘Everyday Feminism’ and Planned Parenthood.  source


BREAKING: Mizzou Faculty Votes to Revoke Appointment of Abusive Activist Prof Melissa Click

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