It's no secret that I "heart" Mark Steyn and not just for his dreamy eyes and cute accent. I think he's also one smart guy. He really gets to the heart of this controversy about Obama beaming himself into the school rooms of this country.
The lefties are all labeling the eruption of outrage from concerned parents, to quote Robert Gibbs, official stutterer of the president, "silly season." I've carefully read the "lesson plan" put out by the White House and find it quite alarming. I've been called lots of things (lots!!!), but never, ever have I been called "silly."
Has it perhaps occurred to the president that his unprecedented number of speeches, weekly addresses, trips across the county to continue a never ending campaign, and usurping of the airwaves of this country is perhaps wearing the public down? That perhaps maybe, just maybe we are sick of the sight and sound of him?
And how does he counter such negative reaction? Why he decides to beam himself into the school rooms across the country. The narcissist-in-chief is so in love with himself that he cannot even imagine why this would upset anyone.
Invester's Business Daily: Obama 'Outreach' To School Kids Feels More Like Personality Cult By MARK STEYN |