Tuesday, September 1, 2009

More on Obama's website w/ update

Yesterday I posted on a rather alarming entry about Organizing for America, the website of our dear leader. It concerned a phone-a-thon planned for September 11. The members were being exhorted to call their Senators and Representatives in support of Obamacare. I excerpted this quote from the post:

All 50 States are coordinating in this – as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.

While checking my statcounter, I noticed a number of hits from Free Republic and so I cruised over to investigate. It appears they were trying to verify this post from Organizing for America because no one could find it. One commenter said my buddy RightKlik was linking to me and I didn't have a link.

Quick like a bunny I checked my post and although I linked to Gateway Pundit, who posted on Organizing for America's previous day's post (with a screen shot), I had not provided a link to what I had read on the site.

I have only one thing to say: My Bad!!

The post I read on Organizing for America has been scrubbed from the site, as has the post Gateway Pundit reported. If you click on Gateway's link, this is what you will get:

The URL you clicked references an event that does not exist. This event may have existed at one time but been subsequently deleted. If you clicked a URL in an email, please check that the URL in your browser matches the one shown in your email client. Email clients sometimes load an incorrect URL when clicking a link in an email. You may need to copy and paste the URL from the email into your browser by hand.

Or as Founding Bloggers says, "It's been flushed down the memory hole." This is what FB had to say: (UPDATE) BarackObama.com/sewer Deletes Offensive Post

The only difference between my post and Gateway's is this: Gateway got a screen shot and I didn't!!!

I'm busy digging in my drawer looking for my screen shot directions. I will not make that mistake in the future!


RightKlik got a screen shot!!!!! Glad someone is tending to business...


  1. A cached version of the page is still available here: http://tr.im/mybopage

    ...to get a screen shot:
    1. Press "control-alt-print screen"
    2. Open windows Paint
    3. Press "control-V"

    Mission accomplished!

  2. RK - thanks. I need all the help I can get.
