This is not a happy article and points up why we do not need another government program spending money we don't have. The drop in revenue was entirely predictable, and was predicted by many, many people, and will only get worse.
Corporate taxes fell by 47% - whoops, silly me - that's 57%. In case you missed it, these are the evil folks who shoulder the majority of the tax bill for the rest of the country. And these are the folks who give us jobs. So can anyone out there inform me of why our current administration is demonizing big business?

And this quote should make your blood run cold:
President Barack Obama has said he wants to tackle Social Security next year, after he clears an already crowded agenda that includes overhauling health care, addressing climate change and imposing new regulations on financial companies.
Hot Air: Tax Revenues Still Crashing
Gateway Pundit: Thanks Barack... Tax Revenues See Biggest Drop Since Great Depression
Michelle Malkin on the View
In my opinion Michelle Malkin more than held her own on The View. Unfortunately, we had to sit through the majority of the program before Michelle was "interviewed". Tell me again why anyone would watch that insipid carp coming from those silly women?
Into the lion’s den: My encounter with The View
By Michelle Malkin
from the combox :
I want to encourage everyone to take action against ObamaCare every single day during the month of least one small act to defeat ObamaCare for each day of the August recess. Call, write, email, fax, tweet, blog, go to townhall meetings, tea party protests...attack from every angle!
Thanks Right Klik. Those are my thoughts exactly and you saved me the time of having to type it up and wonder where the commas should go...
Oh, how much I love to come here and read these things. I hate that show The View and I am not sure why women degrade theirselves to watch that show. I am still in sticker shock from O winning and at least am so glad that the Obots are starting to come out of their daze.
ReplyDeleteI am always careful to keep a lot of this to myself because I get attacked by these so called nice bloggers and that is why here is so great.
I took a test on my Facebook page to see how well I agree with Sarah Palin and I was only about 63% in agreement with her. The funny thing was that I was 100% in agreement with Glenn Beck. And I know some people think he is crazy, but I cannot think of anyone on TV who makes as much sense as he does. My only problem was why he was not able to go on FOX News before the election. But it was due to contract things that kept him off. I am crazy for Glenn and so is hubby. So I am kinda proud to match him 100%.
Well gotta go but just had to type this. I kinda fell a strange way on my shoulder and the pain has been immense. How is your stepson doing? I hope very well. And your sweet baby dog, has she healed from the surgery also. I hope she too is okay. I need to go back and read some more to see if you have posted. I have not been being as good as I should at visiting, but the Physical Therapy has been hard and I just want to sleep for hours and hours so as to not feel the pain.
Will keep reading as I can.
God bless and keep up this blessed work. I hope more discover it.