On my other blog I talk about Sunday Secret Places. These are special places where we go to experience silence and listen for the voice of God.
I fear these next two weeks are going to be tumultuous times for the future of our country. We, as a nation and as individuals, will not be able to respond appropriately without the help of Our Creator, and a day of rest.
I think it would be helpful to remember
Our Lord's commandment to "keep holy
the Sabbath (or Lord's Day, if you prefer.") This is not something that we bloggers are very good at doing. And you can certainly put moi on the top of the list of Sunday saboteurs.
I have been busy since 6am perusing my Google Reader, with only time out for Mass and breakfast. I've viewed and read things that have run my blood pressure up and given me a headache. I don't think this was what God meant by "keeping the Lord's Day holy."
I'm heading to the library, my Bible, and another cup of French press coffee. I think that may be closer to the commandment.