Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Natural Law & Turning Our Back on God

First Principle
5000 Year Leap

The Only Reliable Basis for Sound Government and Just Human Relations is Natural Law

"A fundamental presupposition of Natural Law, is that man's reasoning power is a special dispensation of the Creator and is closely akin to the rational or reasoning power of the Creator himself. In other words, man shares with his Creator this quality of utilizing a rational approach to solving problems, and the reasoning of the mind will generally lead to common-sense conclusions based on what Jefferson called "the laws of Nature and of Nature's God." 5000 Year Leap, p39

What you are witnessing in this battle over government takeover of health care (a fundamentally flawed proposition), is the concept of Natural Law asserting itself. Many of the people fighting against the takeover use words such as Socialist or Marxist, when in reality they are "utilizing a rational approach" which leads to "common-sense conclusions." To be sure, the outcome will be Socialistic in nature, but the heart of this controversy is Natural Law, whether we know it or not.

Our Creator separated us from the lower forms of life on this earth by imbuing us with a mind capable of reason. He created us in His image in all ways except His perfection. We are all born with the seeds of Natural Law planted in our psyche, and our societal structure is to make those seeds prosper and bloom.

When we try to conduct our lives outside of Natural Law, or devise legislation that is clearly against Natural Law, such as Roe v Wade, or laws that clearly impinge on the ability of citizens to seek happiness and fulfillment, the society will be doomed to failure. Every civilization that has tried to circumvent Natural Law is now buried in the rubble of history. And to think that America, indeed most of the world, will escape this inevitability is not rational.

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