Michelle Malkin is going to be on The View tomorrow (Monday) This should be very interesting. Under ordinary circumstances I would as soon poke my eyes out with a hot icepick as watch that show, but I must give my support to Michelle.
I'm also looking forward to reading her book, Culture of Corruption
If you want a good laugh read the "one star" reviews on Amazon. I like the one where Obama is held up in high esteem because he put together the cash for clunkers program. Wow - praise for giving us back our own money so that perfectly good cars can be destroyed and we can power up the factories to make more cars (how green is that?) Well, guess what? It's my money too and I don't want to buy you a car. Oh yeah, my 1995 Chrysler LHS doesn't qualify by being one MPG over the limit.
The Obamacare Strategy: Rush, Muddle & Malign
By Lee Cary
Rush, Muddle & Malign isn't a law firm. It's a series of tactics the Democrat leadership is using to promote Obamacare. read the rest
Cash for Clunkers was a clunker program. Was is the operative. It didn't even last a week.