Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

The government will run health care the same way it's running "cash for clunkers." Now that should send a chill up your spine.

Am I the only person who thinks that squishing what is in many cases a perfectly good automobile is almost immoral?

Liberalism and the Dumbing Down of America

By Lauri B. Regan

As Barack Obama spends day after day touring the world (how many days has he spent in the Oval Office?), trashing America and taking the country on a trip to hell in a hand basket, the liberal electorate and fawning media for the most part remain completely enthralled by the One. Although his poll numbers have dropped considerably, liberals have yet to abandon ship as they remain strong supporters of the Dictator-in-Chief despite his anti-American agenda. read the rest of this excellent article


  1. Yes, I think it is immoral! The "funny" thing is that they won't take true clunkers. Go figure.

  2. Days in Oval Office probably = days in the Senate. Freely elected dictators are a special breed, somewhat high strung, so we need to be careful. I think we should pamper him for awhile or he may turn slightly mad on us.

  3. Is it my fevered imagination, or am I seeing less zero stickers on the road?

  4. The "Real Choice" blog, my dad and you all seem on the same page with crushing servicable vehicles.

    And, I have to agree.

    (There have been times in my life that a big old clunker would have been an upgrade!)
