Thursday, July 23, 2009

“The stars are aligned…”

Allow me to sum up Obama's press conference:

  1. It's all Bush's fault
  2. The Republicans are picking on me
  3. Doctors are greedy and make big money taking out tonsils
  4. Doctor's do unnecessary testing because they are stupid and have no idea of what another doctor is doing
  5. Remove the profit angle from medicine and doctors will be motivated to work harder (and hopefully smarter)
  6. I'm going to tax "rich" people to pay for all this
  7. I'm the President
  8. The White House is my house.
  9. White cops are racist and stupid
  10. The stars are aligned

The American Spectator: Fact-Checking Obama’s News Conference
Hot Air: Obama presser: What was the point?
The Washington Post: Obama Attacks Docs and Cops H/T Memeorandom

If you read nothing else today take the time to read this. Congressman Ryan dares to use the word moral. Good for him

Health Care Reform and the American Character
By Congressman Paul Ryan

A very short description of the American character would be: this ensemble of moral qualities that make it possible for persons to live under self-restraint, without dependency, in personal relationships with others in community under God. read the rest


  1. Well said summing it up Adrienne, couldn't agree more!!

  2. I was able to listen to Rush a little bit this morning (I didn't have the stomach for Barry last night) and he said it was instructive that he tipped his hand by admitting he didn't know the details of what is in the bill, thereby proving that it's NOT about health care and all about micromanaging your life.

  3. Oh yeah, taking profit out will make people work better. That's why the Soviet Union is such a rousing success.

  4. I'll blog about Obamacare after vacation...Zero's got me angry...

  5. Tracy - I believe in cutting to the chase...;-)

    Gem - can you say control??

    Father Erik - my jaw hit the floor when The One said that.

    Joe - you're just now getting angry?????

  6. Cathy - since I'm 63 could you please not use the term "dead on"..............

  7. Here's a little something you'll enjoy.

  8. This country will so much better when you old white people die off!!!

    It will continue to change for the better. Talk to any young person today!!

  9. Hey New Jersey Troll - where you been? Did they take away your computer privileges in the psyche ward?

    Gosh, who's going to fund your lazy lifestyle when we're all gone? Obama?
