Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama is anti-Christian

Another big H/T to ebeth. This link to a 3 minute video from her other blog, A Catholic Mom Climbing the Pillars, needs to be watched by all Christians. I was unable to embed this video so just click on the link.

I have been saying this same thing for many, many months. Obama will do anything to destroy the Catholic Church. If you are not a Catholic Christian be forewarned - he'll be coming for you next!

From ebeth:

Anti-Catholic Administration

Here is something everyone should be very AWARE. Please watch.


  1. I think you might find this interesting as well.
    Obama Mocks & Attacks Jesus Christ And The Bible:

  2. Hey friend! this man is a complete racist, radical control freak, narcisstic, and non-Christian....oh just don't get me started!!!! So why not hit the Catholic Church, she's his arch enemy.

  3. it is important to know your enemy. this man is horrible. I will pray for him and our country. Can you imagine what this country will be like under Socialism? The world will still "hate" us, but I would bet that the world would be very different w/out a free America and hate us even more. God help us!
