Our Current President Celebrates
Earth Day
Earth Day
*****And how does he do this? By firing up Air Force One, plus the two other jets that are necessary when the President travels, for a quick jaunt to Iowa. He wants to congratulate the 140 people who are lucky enough to work in a new "green plant" making wind turbines that no one wants. Sure doesn't sound very green to me.
*****The man who claims to be the founder of Earth Day (there is some dispute about this) Ira Einhorn , was so devoted to saving the earth that he killed his girlfriend, Holly Maddux, and stuffed her in a trunk kept in his apartment. After 18 months the neighbors were a bit disturbed by the odor wafting from his abode. I guess no one told him, contrary to what you may have heard about soylent green, that humans don't make good compost.
*****How about we celebrate the Creator and Sustainer of the earth instead?
I'm going to do my part by getting out an aresol can, lol.
Hey Adrienne, I totally agree with you...how about the one who made the Earth, which by the way was not Marx, Engles or Lenin!!!
It is common knowledge that Greenpeace was a KGB fronted and controlled organization that only railed against Western nations during the Cold War.
I had a pair of Earth Shoes once.
Tree huggers are some of the biggest hypocrites. Many of them have no idea how irrational they are.
I am celebrating by doing extra spray painting outside and listening to glenn beck use a deisel chain saw to chop down a tree.
Eww... that bit on the founder of Earth day killing his girlfriend.
As a kid, I loved Earth Day. We released the butterflies which we had raised in our classroom from caterpillars, played in the park, got sticker and balloons, and ate ice cream. However, I went to Catholic school, so the emphasis was on the greatness of God's creation and a little bit on how God entrusted it all to Adam and us to care for. None of this enviro-wacko-ness.
Adrienne!! :-)
Thanks so much for your comment! Was there, perhaps, a link you intended to add? :-)
(I agree - storing and grinding wheat berries is a little too much for me. Unless I decided to totally go off the grid, which is not likely to happen in my condo complex.)
If I appear cynical on Earth Day, it's because the current Obamastration intends to listen only to the fringe elements of environmental issues, which will lead to less freedom, higher taxes, greater oppression and more intolerance.
I know we're supposed to love these people, but for the love of God, I wish it weren't so hard.
Read Liberty & Tyranny by Mark Levin. He has an excellent chapter on environmentalism.You will be amazed! They are God/human hating sickos.
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