Wednesday, June 16, 2010

20 Billion From BP Controlled by the Government?

What could possibly go wrong?

And would someone tell me exactly how this money is going to be handed out?  Does a restaurant claiming lost business get a chunk?  How exactly do they prove what was lost?  How about the waitresses that were laid off due to lack of business or the worker on the shrimp boat?  How much is going to be siphoned off by administration?  That last question was purely rhetorical...

This is going to be a gigantic boondoggle of fraud and thievery.


Hot Air:  Breaking: BP agrees to establish $20B escrow fund; Update: Bachmann: “Yet one more gateway for more gov’t control”

Update on smoking:

I haven't had a cigarette in over three weeks and have not had the need to kill anyone.  Actually, the thought of smoking a cigarette is rather repulsive.  The stink - doncha know!

If you smoke, click on the little banner which will take you to the company that has served me well and fairly.  We have a local mall company that is charging double for the very same products.  I started with the Vapor King double starter pack since both hubby and I smoke.


Mark D. said...

Yick. Messier and messier the story gets. What a mess!

Great news about your quitting smoking. Whatever it takes! Good luck with continuing your progress...

Anonymous said...

Good luck quitting smoking!

As for the lost wages, who knows how long this is going to go on. Is BP going to pay lost wages from the shrimpers/oil field/waitress for the next 20 years?

republicanmother said...

I was writing on BP today, too. According to Mitch McConnell, BP wrote a lot of the Cap & Trade legislation. We're not dealing with regular businesses here. The last CEO of BP was simultaneously on the board of Goldman Sachs, the nice company who was incestuously involved in the financial reform legislation. I beginning to think that they're (gov. and big corps.) are all in cahoots.

BTW, like your sleek, new design. I've been playing with the template thingy, but I haven't found the one that is "me".

Gramma 2 Many said...

Ummm, I think I might have been hurt by the spill. I may have been planning a trip to the gulf and had to cancel it.
If I were BP, I would have told "O" to put it where the sun don't shine. They are not Americans and he cannot dictate to them how to run their operations. In return they could be refused rights to drill in American waters, I know, but his royal pain in the A$$ is going to far with this one.

Anonymous said...

This escrow fund was the idea of some folks in Louisiana. They spoke to POTUS about it and all of a sudden it is his idea to make BP do this. I can't remember the parish, but I heard it on the Tom Sullivan show again today.

Congrats on trying to get off the ciggys.

Adrienne said...

Mark - messy is putting it mildly. THREE weeks! I'm amazed and very happy!

Adrienne said...

motherhen - exactly! How to determine who gets what and for how long is the question...

Adrienne said...

republicanmom - this whole thing is so nasty. I have my questions about how exactly this rig blew up but I'll wait to go in that direction.

Adrienne said...

And the "sleek new design" was totally by accident (as most of my "techie" stuff is)

Adrienne said...

grnadma - I know I've been hurt. The price of shrimp will go up. I love shrimp on the BBQ

Adrienne said...

mcnorman - I don't think they realized that the "government" would be in control.

I think e-cigs are the greatest invention, evah!!!